
NAME - Script to register a new BioMOBY Service


SYNOPSIS --central_conf=``list_of_central_config_files'' --service_conf=``list_of_service_config_files'' --module=path/to/



 This script permit to register a new BioMOBY service 
 using 2 types of configuration files:
 * central_conf:
    This file contains where to register your service,
    which mobycentral
    You can give a list of config files to register
    many centrals in one shot !
 * service_conf:
    This file contains information on the service,
    like, name, type, description, inputs, outputs,
    You can give a list of config files: in that case,
    if a key is duplicated, the last value (in the 
    same order as your file list) overwrite the previous.
  * module
    The Perl module containing your Service Sub



function GetPrimaryArticles

 Title        : GetPrimaryArticles
 Usage        : &GetPrimaryArticles('IAR')
 Prerequisite : none
 Function     : Parse config file to get Prymary(ies) Article(s)
 Returns      : $ra_primary_articles INPUT parameter for  MOBY::Client::Central->registerService
 Args         : $what [IAR|OAR] defining Input ARticle | Output ARticle
 Globals      : $O_PARAM
 Warning      : For COLLECTION articles, the RDF document is not yet 
                properly formatted. Moby-Dev Core group is working on this
                problem (see mailing betwenn M. Wilkinson & S. Carrere.
                Registering succeed but information are uncomplete.

function GetSecondaryArticles

 Title        : GetSecondaryArticles
 Usage        : &GetSecondaryArticles()
 Prerequisite : none
 Function     : Parse config file to get Prymary(ies) Article(s)
 Returns      : $rh_secondary_articles INPUT optional parameter (secondary) for  MOBY::Client::Central->registerService
 Args         : none
 Globals      : $O_PARAM

procedure executeRegistering

 Title        : executeRegistering
 Usage        : &executeRegistering($ra_input_articles,$ra_output_articles,$rh_secondary)
 Prerequisite : none
 Function     : Execute service registering on each mobycentral given as parameters
 Returns      : undef if OK 
 Args         : $ra_input_articles Array ref for Input articles definitions
                $ra_output_articles Array ref for Output articles definitions
                $rh_secondary Hash ref for Secondary articles definitions
        $module_directory: for rdf file
 Globals      : $O_PARAM

procedure LookForSpecialCharacters

 Title        : LookForSpecialCharacters
 Usage        : &LookForSpecialCharacters($string_to_analyse)
 Prerequisite : 
 Function     : Look for special characters in a string (e.g: '[' is not allowed in
                service description)
 Returns      : 
 Args         : $param_to_analyse
 Globals      : $O_PARAM

procedure ControlUsage

 Title        : ControlUsage
 Usage        : &ControlUsage()
 Prerequisite : none
 Function     : Control usage of program
 Returns      : undef if OK 
 Args         : $param_name Param to control
 Globals      : $O_PARAM

procedure PrintUsage

 Title        : PrintUsage
 Usage        : &PrintUsage()
 Prerequisite : none
 Function     : print usage of the program
 Returns      : none 
 Args         : none
 Globals      : none

