
Copyright Notice

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ParamParser - parse parameters from different sources (, GetOpt, cgi-lib, configuration file, ARGV, ENV)



        1. parameter source defined from a configuration file
        use ParamParser;
        $rh_param = New ParamParser($filename);
                ------ example.cfg -------
                # lines starting with # are ignored
                OPTION=value of the option
        2. from ARGV 
        use ParamParser;
        $rh_param = New ParamParser('ARGV');
                % program OPTION1="value of the option" OPTION2=value
        3. from environment variables
        use ParamParser;
        $rh_param = New ParamParser('ENV');
        $rh_param = New ParamParser('ENV','prefix'); to add a tag to environment variables
        4. from CGI object
        use CGI;
        use ParamParser;
        $rh_param = New ParamParser('CGIPM');
        5. from CGI-LIB data structure (version 2)
        require "";
        use ParamParser;
        $rh_param = New ParamParser('CGILIB');
        6. from Getopt::Std object
        use Getopt::Std;
        use ParamParser;
        $rh_param = New ParamParser('GETOPTSTD',"list_of_singlet-character_switches");
        run the command man Getopt::Std to see what is "list_of_singlet-character_switches"
        to use  the same options with the current module you must write
        $rh_param = New ParamParser('GETOPTSTD',"oif:");
        $rh_param = New ParamParser('GETOPTSTD',"oDI");
        7. from Getopt::Long object
        use Getopt::Long;
        use ParamParser;
        $rh_param = New ParamParser('GETOPTLONG',(list_of_getoptlong_option));
        run the command man Getopt::Long to see what is a "list_of_getoptlong_option"
        to use the same options with the current module you must write
        $rh_param = New ParamParser('GETOPTLONG',("length=i","file=s","verbose"));
    8. from another ParamParser object
        use ParamParser;
        $rh_param = New ParamParser('PARAMPARSER',$rh_other_param);

24-Jun-2004 add two new functions: IsDefined and SetUnlessDefined 26-Oct-2004 creation of Dump methods in order to export paramparser to a file or %ENV 29-Oct-2004 add the capability to define/select a NameSpace : SelectNameSpace add a fonction to get all keys matching a given pattern : GetKeys

        see SYNOPSIS
        source: CGIPM|CGILIB|GetOptStd|GetOptLong|ARGV|$filename|ENV
                I: init : clean the data structure first
                A: append mode : preserve the previous value of duplicate keys
                O: overwrite mode : replace the value of a duplicate key
        Update the data structure with a new parameter source.
    Call Usage if a help or HELP parameter is found
        source: $filename|ENV|GetOptLong
        prefix: add the prefix 'prefix' to %ENV keys
        $rh_param->SelectNameSpace('NS');       #  create the namespace NS (in fact a prefix to all parameters)
        $rh_param->SelectNameSpace();           #  select the namespace which contains all parameters
        Select/Init working NameSpace of parameters
        Initialise the data structure
        Associate a new value to $opt
        Associate a new value to $opt ONLY if the key is not yet defined
        Delete the $opt key
        $value = $rh_param->Get($opt);
        Return the value of $opt key
        @a_keys = $rh_param->GetKeys(pattern);
        Return a list of parameters matching the given pattern
        $value = $rh_param->IsDefined($opt);
        boolean, TRUE if the key is defined
        $value = $rh_param->HowMany();
        Return the number of parameters
        $value = $rh_param->GetSource();
        Return the last parameter source
        Declare some string (format: %[a-zA-Z] to be substituted by the content of a variable or the result of a function
        Print keys and associated values in text of html format
        $rh_param->SetBehaviour('assert_strict'); # when set, the assertion will fail if the parameter is not defined (default)
        $rh_param->SetBehaviour('ignore_space');  # when set, the space between the '=' are ignored in the configuration file
        $rh_param->SetBehaviour('exit_on_getopt_error') # execute the usage function when GetOptions return an error code;
        $rh_param->SetBehaviour('assert_empty_file_allowed') # when set, no exit on empty files
    $rh_param->SetBehaviour('use_substitution_table') # when set, the substitution table is used at every Set
               NOTE - When this behaviour is set, the function __SubstituteNow is called
        Control the behaviour of the parser
        $rh_param->UnsetBehaviour('assert_strict');              # if unset, the assertion is true when the parameter is not defined
        $rh_param->UnsetBehaviour('ignore_space');               # if unset, the space between the '=' are not ignored in the configuration file (default)
        $rh_param->UnSetBehaviour('exit_on_getopt_error')    # ignore the value returned by GetOptions (default)
        $rh_param->UnSetBehaviour('assert_empty_file_allowed') # if unset, then the program exits on empty files (default)
    $rh_param->UnSetBehaviour('use_substitution_table')    # if unset, the substitution table is ignored (default)
        Control the behaviour of the parser
    Returns 1 if the behaviour whose name is passed by parameter is set, 0 if not set.
        The programs stops if the key $opt does not refer to a non empty file
        The programs stops if the key $opt does not refer to a directory
        The programs stops if one of the key in the list does not refer to an integer
        The programs stop if one of the key in the list is not defined
        The program stop if the value of the key does not match one value of the list of allowed values
        The programs stops if the elements of the list does not refer to non empty files
        Print the usage of the program
        $rh_param->SetUsage(my $usage= sub { &my_usage_fct();} )
        Attach an usage fonction to the ParamParser object
    Private method
    Call Usage if --self specified

sub __CallUsageIfNeeded { my $self = shift; if (defined($$self{'__h_opt'}{'help'}) || defined($$self{'__h_opt'}{'HELP'})) { if ($$self{'__last_source'} =~ /CGI/i) { &Usage($self, 'html'); } else { &Usage($self); } } }



        use CGI qw/:standard/;
        use ParamParser;
        my $rh_param =  New ParamParser("CGIPM");
        $rh_param->SetUsage(my $usage=sub { print "\nPlease read the documentation\n"; } ); # attach an usage fonction to the parser
        # the best way is to reference a real fonction $rh_param->SetUsage(my $usage=sub { &UsageFct(); } );
        $rh_param->Set('TIMEOUT','10000');  # add a single variable to the data structure
        $rh_param->Update('ENV',"O");      # append all environment variables in overwrite mode (overwrite duplicates)
        $rh_param->AssertFileExists('CFG'); # check that the value of the parameter CFG is an existing file, print the usage and exit if it is not.
        $rh_param->Update($rh_param->Get('CFG'),"A");      # add all variables contained in the configuration file in append mode (do not overwrite duplicates)
        print header;



        use Getopt::Long;
        use ParamParser;
        my $rh_param =  New ParamParser('GETOPTLONG',("help:s","min=i","max=i","inputfile=s","what=s"));
        $rh_param->SetUsage(my $usage=sub { print "\nPlease read the documentation\n"; } ); # attach an usage fonction to the parser
        # the best way is to reference a real fonction $rh_param->SetUsage(my $usage=sub { &UsageFct(); } );
        $rh_param->Update('ENV',"A");      # append all environment variables in append mode (do not overwrite duplicates)
        $rh_param->AssertFileExists('inputfile');               # check that the value of the parameter inputfile is an existing file, print the usage and exit if it is not.
        $rh_param->AssertInteger('max','min');  # check that the value of the parameters are integers, print the usage and exit if one of them is not.
        $rh_param->AssertAllowedValue('what','yes','no','maybe');  # check that the value of the parameters is a correct value



        Print the usage of the program
        Update the value of the given key, depending on the selected insertion mode
    return 1 if the behaviour passed by parameter is legal, 0 if not.
    If not loegal, croak something.

sub __ValidBehaviour { my ($self, $key) = @_; return 1 if ($key eq 'assert_strict'); return 1 if ($key eq 'ignore_space'); return 1 if ($key eq 'exit_on_getopt_error'); return 1 if ($key eq 'assert_empty_file_allowed'); return 1 if ($key eq 'use_substitution_table'); &Carp::croak(``\n=>The behaviour $key is unknown''); return 0; }

    Try to make the substitutions for the key passed by parameter

sub __SubstituteKey { my ($self, $key) = @_; return unless (defined($self->{'__h_opt'}{$key})); # If value not defined, nothing to substitute return unless (exists $self->{'__substitution_table'}); # If no table, nothing to substitute

    my $rh_sub_table = $self->{'__substitution_table'};
    my $to_subst     = $self->{'__h_opt'}{$key};
    return unless ($to_subst =~ /%/);                           # If no %, nothing to substitute

    foreach my $s (keys(%$rh_sub_table))
        next unless ($to_subst =~ /$s/);
        my $r = $rh_sub_table->{$s};
        if (ref($r) eq 'SCALAR')            # Substitute if ref to a scalar
            $to_subst =~ s/$s/$$r/g;
        if (ref($r) eq 'CODE')              # Substitute, calling the sub, if ref to a sub
            my $subst = &$r($self,$key);
            $to_subst =~ s/$s/$subst/g;     # N.B. May be several substitutions, but only 1 call

    $self->{'__h_opt'}{$key} = $to_subst;
    For each parameter, call __SubstituteKey

sub __SubstituteAll { my $self = shift; foreach my $key (sort keys(%{$self->{'__h_opt'}})) { $self->__SubstituteKey($key); } }

        Initialize the ParamParser object using Getopt::Std style as source of param/values
        Initialize the ParamParser object using Getopt::Long style as source of param/values
        Initialize the ParamParser object using CGI-LIB2 as source of param/value
        Initialize the ParamParser object using source
        Initialize the ParamParser object using a configuration file.
        Initialize the ParamParser object using the @ARGV array as source of param/values
        Initialize the ParamParser object using the %ENV hash as source of param/values
        Initialize the ParamParser object using another ParamParser object
        Dump the paramparser into a file
        Dump the paramparser into a file
        Dump the paramparser to @ARGV, using OptLong conventions
        Init a variable if it is not defined (in order to avoid warnings)
        Build a list of possible sources depending on loaded modules
