
NAME - a set of exportable subroutines that are useful in clients and services to deal with the input/output from MOBY Services

Client Side Paradigm

not written yet

Service-Side Paradigm

The following is a generalized architecture for *all* BioMOBY services showing how to parse incoming messages using the subroutines provided in CommonSubs

 sub myServiceName {
    my ($caller, $data) = @_;
    my $MOBY_RESPONSE; # holds the response raw XML

        # genericServiceInputParser
        # unpacks incoming message into an array of arrarefs.
        # Each element of the array is a queryInput block, or a mobyData block
        # the arrayref has the following structure:
        # [SIMPLE, $queryID, $simple]
        # the first element is an exported constant SIMPLE, COLLECTION, SECONDARY
        # the second element is the queryID (required for enumerating the responses)
        # the third element is the XML::DOM for the Simple, Collection, or Parameter block    
    my (@inputs)= genericServiceInputParser($data); 
        # or fail properly with an empty response
    return SOAP::Data->type('base64' => responseHeader("") . responseFooter()) unless (scalar(@inputs));

        # you only need to do this if you are intending to be namespace aware
        # some services might not care what namespace the data is in, so long
        # as there is data...
    my @validNS_LSID = validateNamespaces("NCBI_gi");  # returns LSID's for each human-readable
    foreach (@inputs){
        my ($articleType, $qID, $input) = @{$_};
        unless (($articleType == SIMPLE) && ($input)){
                # in this example, we are only accepting SIMPLE types as input
                # so write back an empty response block and move on to the next
            $MOBY_RESPONSE .= simpleResponse("", "", $qID) ;
        } else {
                # now take the namespace and ID from our input article
                # (see pod docs for other possibilities)
            my $namespace = getSimpleArticleNamespaceURI($input); # get namespace
            my ($identifier) = getSimpleArticleIDs($input);  # get ID (note array output! see pod)

            # here is where you do whatever manipulation you need to do
            # for your particular service.
            # you will be building an XML document into $MOBY_RESPONSE            
    return SOAP::Data->type('base64' => (responseHeader("") . $MOBY_RESPONSE . responseFooter));    




This is a service that:

 CONSUMES:  base Object in the GO namespace
 EXECUTES:  Retrieval
 PRODUCES:  GO_Term (in the GO namespace)
 # this subroutine is called from your dispatch_with line
 # in your SOAP daemon
 sub getGoTerm {
    my ($caller, $message) = @_;
    my (@inputs)= genericServiceInputParser($message); # ([SIMPLE, $queryID, $simple],...)
    return SOAP::Data->type('base64' => responseHeader('') . responseFooter()) unless (scalar(@inputs));
    my @validNS = validateNamespaces("GO");  # ONLY do this if you are intending to be namespace aware!
    my $dbh = _connectToGoDatabase();
    return SOAP::Data->type('base64' => responseHeader('') . responseFooter()) unless $dbh;
    my $sth = $dbh->prepare(q{
       select name, term_definition
       from term, term_definition
       where = term_definition.term_id
       and acc=?});
    foreach (@inputs){
        my ($articleType, $ID, $input) = @{$_};
        unless ($articleType == SIMPLE){
            $MOBY_RESPONSE .= simpleResponse("", "", $ID);
        } else {
            my $ns = getSimpleArticleNamespaceURI($input);
            (($MOBY_RESPONSE .= simpleResponse("", "", $ID)) && (next))
                unless validateThisNamespace($ns, @validNS);  # only do this if you are truly validating namespaces
            my ($accession) = defined(getSimpleArticleIDs($ns, [$input]))?getSimpleArticleIDs($ns,[$input]):undef;
            unless (defined($accession)){
                $MOBY_RESPONSE .= simpleResponse("", "", $ID);
            unless ($accession =~/^GO:/){
                 $accession = "GO:$accession";  # we still haven't decided on whether id's should include the prefix...
            my ($term, $def) = $sth->fetchrow_array;
            if ($term){
                 $MOBY_RESPONSE .= simpleResponse("
                 <moby:GO_Term namespace='GO' id='$accession'>
                  <moby:String namespace='' id='' articleName='Term'>$term</moby:String>
                  <moby:String namespace='' id='' articleName='Definition'>$def</moby:String>
                 </moby:GO_Term>", "GO_Term_From_ID", $ID)
            } else {
                 $MOBY_RESPONSE .= simpleResponse("", "", $ID)

    return SOAP::Data->type('base64' => (responseHeader("") . $MOBY_RESPONSE . responseFooter));    



CommonSubs are used to do various manipulations of MOBY Messages. It is useful both Client and Service side to construct and parse MOBY Messages, and ensure that the message structure is valid as per the API.

It DOES NOT connect to MOBY Central for any of its functions, though it does contact the ontology server, so it will require a network connection.



Mark Wilkinson (markw at illuminae dot com)

BioMOBY Project:




 name     : genericServiceInputParser
 function : For the MOST SIMPLE SERVICES that take single Simple or Collection inputs
            and no Secondaries/Parameters this routine takes the MOBY message and
            breaks the objects out of it in a useful way
 usage    : my @inputs = genericServiceInputParser($MOBY_mssage));
 args     : $message - this is the SOAP payload; i.e. the XML document containing the MOBY message
 returns  : @inputs - the structure of @inputs is a list of listrefs.
            Each listref has three components:
                1. COLLECTION|SIMPLE (i.e. constants 1, 2)
                2. queryID
                3. $data - the data takes several forms
                         a. $article XML::DOM node for Simples
                         b. \@article XML:DOM nodes for Collections
            for example, the input message:

                <mobyData queryID = '1'>
                       <Object namespace=blah id=blah/>
                <mobyData queryID = '2'>
                       <Object namespace=blah id=blah/>
            will become:
            (note that SIMPLE, COLLECTION, and SECONDARY are exported constants from this module)
            @inputs = ([SIMPLE, 1, $DOM], [SIMPLE, 2, $DOM]) # the <Simple> block
            for example, the input message:

                <mobyData queryID = '1'>
                       <Object namespace=blah id=blah/>
                       <Object namespace=blah id=blah/>
            will become:
            @inputs = ( [COLLECTION, 1, [$DOM, $DOM]] ) # the <Simple> block


 name     : DO NOT USE!!
 function : to take a MOBY message and break the objects out of it.  This is identical
            to the genericServiceInputParser method above, except that it returns the data as
            Objects rather than XML::DOM nodes.  This is an improvement!
 usage    : my @inputs = serviceInputParser($MOBY_mssage));
 args     : $message - this is the SOAP payload; i.e. the XML document containing the MOBY message
 returns  : @inputs - the structure of @inputs is a list of listrefs.
            Each listref has three components:
                1. COLLECTION|SIMPLE|SECONDARY (i.e. constants 1, 2, 3)
                2. queryID (undef for Secondary parameters)
                3. $data - either MOBY::Client::SimpleArticle, CollectionArticle, or SecondaryArticle


 name     : complexServiceInputParser
 function : For more complex services that have multiple articles for each input
            and/or accept parameters, this routine will take a MOBY message and
            extract the Simple/Collection/Parameter objects out of it in a
            useful way.
 usage    : my $inputs = complexServiceInputParser($MOBY_mssage));
 args     : $message - this is the SOAP payload; i.e. the XML document containing the MOBY message
 returns  : $inputs is a hashref with the following structure:

            $inputs->{$queryID} = [ [TYPE, $DOM], [TYPE, $DOM], [TYPE, $DOM] ]

            Simples ------------------------

            for example, the input message:

                <mobyData queryID = '1'>
                    <Simple articleName='name1'>
                       <Object namespace=blah id=blah/>
                    <Parameter articleName='cutoff'>
            will become:
            (note that SIMPLE, COLLECTION, and SECONDARY are exported constants from this module)

            $inputs->{1} = [ [SIMPLE, $DOM_name1], # the <Simple> block
                             [SECONDARY, $DOM_cutoff]  # $DOM_cutoff= <Parameter> block
            Please see the XML::DOM pod documentation for information about how
            to parse XML DOM objects.
            Collections --------------------

            With inputs that have collections these are presented as a
            listref of Simple article DOM's.  So for the following message:

                    <Collection articleName='name1'>
                       <Object namespace=blah id=blah/>
                       <Object namespace=blah id=blah/>
                    <Parameter articleName='cutoff'>
            will become

            $inputs->{1} = [ [COLLECTION, [$DOM, $DOM] ], # $DOM is the <Simple> Block!
                             [SECONDARY, $DOM_cutoff]  # $DOM_cutoff = <Parameter> Block
            Please see the XML::DOM pod documentation for information about how
            to parse XML DOM objects.


 name     : getArticles
 function : get the Simple/Collection/Parameter articles for a single mobyData
 usage    : @articles = getArticles($XML)
 args     : raw XML or XML::DOM of a queryInput, mobyData, or queryResponse block (e.g. from getInputs)
 returns  : a list of listrefs; each listref is one component of the queryInput or mobyData block
            a single block may consist of one or more named or unnamed
            simple, collection, or parameter articles.
            The listref structure is thus [name, $ARTICLE_DOM]:

    e.g.:  @articles = ['name1', $SIMPLE_DOM]
            generated from the following sample XML:
                    <Simple articleName='name1'>
                      <Object namespace=blah id=blah/>

    or  :  @articles = ['name1', $COLL_DOM], ['paramname1', $PARAM_DOM]
            generated from the following sample XML:
                    <Collection articleName='name1'>
                       <Object namespace=blah id=blah/>
                       <Object namespace=blah id=blah/>
                    <Parameter articleName='e value cutoff'>


 name     : getSimpleArticleIDs
 function : to get the IDs of simple articles that are in the given namespace
 usage    : my @ids = getSimpleArticleIDs("NCBI_gi", \@SimpleArticles);
            my @ids = getSimpleArticleIDs(\@SimpleArticles);
 args     : $Namespace  - (optional) a namespace stringfrom the MOBY namespace ontology, or undef if you don't care
            \@Simples   - (required) a listref of Simple XML::DOM nodes
                          i.e. the XML::DOM representing an XML structure like this:
                                  <Object namespace="NCBI_gi" id="163483"/>
 note     : If you provide a namespace, it will return *only* the ids that are in the given namespace,
            but will return 'undef' for any articles in the WRONG namespace so that you get an
            equivalent number of outputs to inputs.

            Note that if you call this with a single argument, this is assumed to
            be \@Articles, so you will get ALL id's regardless of namespace!


 name     : getSimpleArticleNamespaceURI
 function : to get the namespace of a simple article
 usage    : my $ns = getSimpleArticleNamespaceURI($SimpleArticle);
 args     : $Simple   - (required) a single XML::DOM node representing a Simple Article
                          i.e. the XML::DOM representing an XML structure like this:
                                  <Object namespace="NCBI_gi" id="163483"/>


 name     : simpleResponse
 function : wraps a simple article in the appropriate (mobyData) structure
 usage    : $resp .= &simpleResponse($object, 'MyArticleName', $queryID);
 args     : (in order)
            $object   - (optional) a MOBY Object as raw XML
            $article  - (optional) an articeName for this article
            $query    - (optional, but strongly recommended) the queryID value for the
                        mobyData block to which you are responding
 notes    : as required by the API you must return a response for every input.
            If one of the inputs was invalid, you return a valid (empty) MOBY
            response by calling &simpleResponse(undef, undef, $queryID) with no arguments.


 name     : collectionResponse
 function : wraps a set of articles in the appropriate mobyData structure
 usage    : return responseHeader . &collectionResponse(\@objects, 'MyArticleName', $queryID) . responseFooter;
 args     : (in order)
            \@objects - (optional) a listref of MOBY Objects as raw XML
            $article  - (optional) an articeName for this article
            $queryID  - (optional, but strongly recommended) the mobyData ID
                        to which you are responding
 notes    : as required by the API you must return a response for every input.
            If one of the inputs was invalid, you return a valid (empty) MOBY
            response by calling &collectionResponse(undef, undef, $queryID).


 name     : responseHeader
 function : print the XML string of a MOBY response header +/- serviceNotes
 usage    : responseHeader('')
                -authority => '',
                -note => 'here is some data from the service provider')
 args     : a string representing the service providers authority URI,
            OR a set of named arguments with the authority and the
            service provision notes.
 caveat   : 
 notes    :  returns everything required up to the response articles themselves.
             i.e. something like:
 <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    <moby:MOBY xmlns:moby=''>
       <moby:Response moby:authority=''>


 name     : responseFooter
 function : print the XML string of a MOBY response footer
 usage    : return responseHeader('') . $DATA . responseFooter;
 notes    :  returns everything required after the response articles themselves
             i.e. something like:



 name     : getInputs
 function : get the mobyData block(s) as XML::DOM nodes
 usage    : @queryInputs = getInputArticles($XML)
 args     : the raw XML of a <MOBY> query, or an XML::DOM document
 returns  : a list of XML::DOM::Node's, each is a queryInput or mobyData block.
 Note     : Remember that these blocks are enumerated!  This is what you
            pass as the third argument to the simpleResponse or collectionResponse
            subroutine to associate the numbered input to the numbered response


 name     : getInputID
 function : get the value of the queryID element
 usage    : @queryInputs = getInputID($XML)
 args     : the raw XML or XML::DOM of a queryInput or mobyData block (e.g. from getInputs)
 returns  : integer, or ''
 Note     : Inputs and Responses are coordinately enumerated!
            The integer you get here is what you
            pass as the third argument to the simpleResponse or collectionResponse
            subroutine to associate the numbered input to the numbered response


 name     : DO NOT USE!!
 function : get the Simple/Collection articles for a single mobyData
            or queryResponse node, rethrning them as SimpleArticle,
            SecondaryArticle, or ServiceInstance objects
 usage    : @articles = getArticles($XML)
 args     : raw XML or XML::DOM of a moby:mobyData block
 returns  :


 name     : getCollectedSimples
 function : get the Simple articles collected in a moby:Collection block
 usage    : @Simples = getCollectedSimples($XML)
 args     : raw XML or XML::DOM of a moby:Collection block
 returns  : a list of XML::DOM nodes, each of which is a moby:Simple block


 name     : getInputArticles
 function : get the Simple/Collection articles for each input query, in order
 usage    : @queries = getInputArticles($XML)
 args     : the raw XML of a moby:MOBY query
 returns  : a list of listrefs, each listref is the input to a single query.
            Remember that the input to a single query may be one or more Simple
            and/or Collection articles.  These are provided as XML::DOM nodes.

            i.e.:  @queries = ([$SIMPLE_DOM_NODE], [$SIMPLE_DOM_NODE2])
            or  :  @queries = ([$COLLECTION_DOM_NODE], [$COLLECTION_DOM_NODE2])

            the former is generated from the following XML:

                      <Object namespace=blah id=blah/>
                      <Object namespace=blah id=blah/>


 name     : isSimpleArticle
 function : tests XML (text) or an XML DOM node to see if it represents a Simple article
 usage    : if (isSimpleArticle($node)){do something to it}
 input    : an XML::DOM node, an XML::DOM::Document or straight XML
 returns  : boolean


 name     : isCollectionArticle
 function : tests XML (text) or an XML DOM node to see if it represents a Collection article
 usage    : if (isCollectionArticle($node)){do something to it}
 input    : an XML::DOM node, an XML::DOM::Document or straight XML
 returns  : boolean


 name     : isSecondaryArticle
 function : tests XML (text) or an XML DOM node to see if it represents a Secondary article
 usage    : if (isSecondaryArticle($node)){do something to it}
 input    : an XML::DOM node, an XML::DOM::Document or straight XML
 returns  : boolean


 name     : extractRawContent
 function : pass me an article (Simple, or Collection) and I'll give you the
            content AS A STRING - i.e. the raw XML of the contained MOBY Object(s)
 usage    : extractRawContent($simple)
 input    : the one element of the output from getArticles
 returns  : string


 name     : getNodeContentWithArticle
 function : a very flexible way to get the stringified content of a node
            that has the correct element and article name
            or get the value of a Parameter element.
 usage    : @strings = getNodeContentWithArticle($node, $tagname, $articleName)
 args     : (in order)
            $node        - an XML::DOM node, or straight XML.  It may even
                           be the entire mobyData block.
            $tagname     - the tagname (effectively from the Object type ontology),
                           or "Parameter" if you are trying to get secondaries
            $articleName - the articleName that we are searching for

 returns  : an array of the stringified text content for each
            node that matched the tagname/articleName specified.
            note that each line of content is an element of the string.
 notes    : This was written for the purpose of getting the values of
            String, Integer, Float, Date_Time, and other such primitives.
            For example, in the following XML:
                      <Sequence namespace=blah id=blah>
                           <Integer namespace='' id='' articleName="Length">3</Integer>
                           <String namespace='' id='' articleName="SequenceString">ATG</String>

            would be analysed as follows:

              # get $input - e.g. from genericServiceInputParser or complexServiceInputParser
              @sequences = getNodeContentWithArticle($input, "String", "SequenceString");
            For Parameters, such as the following
                      <Sequence namespace=blah id=blah>
                           <Integer namespace='' id='' articleName="Length">3</Integer>
                           <String namespace='' id='' articleName="SequenceString">ATG</String>
                    <Parameter articleName='cutoff'>

            You would parse it as follows:

              # get $input - e.g. from genericServiceInputParser or complexServiceInputParser
              @sequences = getNodeContentWithArticle($input, "String", "SequenceString");
              @cutoffs = getNodeContentWithArticle($input, "Parameter", "cutoff");
           my $inputs = complexServiceInputParser($MOBY_mssage));
               # $inputs->{$queryID} = [ [TYPE, $DOM], [TYPE, $DOM], [TYPE, $DOM] ]
           my (@enumerated) = keys %{$inputs};
           foreach $no (@enumerated){
             my @articles = @{$inputs->{$no}};
             foreach my $article(@articles){
                my ($type, $DOM) = @{$article};
                if ($type == SECONDARY){
                    $cutoff = getNodeContentsWithArticle($DOM, "Parameter", "cutoff");
                } else {
                   $sequences = getNodeContentWithArticle($DOM, "String", "SequenceString");


 name     : validateNamespaces
 function : checks the namespace ontology for the namespace lsid
 usage    : @LSIDs = validateNamespaces(@namespaces)
 args     : ordered list of either human-readable or lsid presumptive namespaces
 returns  : ordered list of the LSID's corresponding to those
            presumptive namespaces; undef for each namespace that was invalid


 name     : validateThisNamespace
 function : checks a given namespace against a list of valid namespaces
 usage    : $valid = validateThisNamespace($ns, @validNS);
 args     : ordered list of the namespace of interest and the list of valid NS's
 returns  : boolean

getResponseArticles (a.k.a. extractResponseArticles)

 name     : getResponseArticles
 function : get the DOM nodes corresponding to individual
            Simple or Collection outputs from a MOBY Response
 usage    : ($collections, $simples) = getResponseArticles($node)
 args     : $node - either raw XML or an XML::DOM::Document to be searched            
 returns  : an array-ref of Collection article XML::DOM::Node's
            an array-ref of Simple article XML::DOM::Node's


 name     : getServiceNotes
 function : to get the content of the Service Notes block of the MOBY message
 usage    : getServiceNotes($message)
 args     : $message is either the XML::DOM of the MOBY message, or plain XML
 returns  : String content of the ServiceNotes block of the MOBY Message


 name     : getCrossReferences
 function : to get the cross-references for a Simple article
 usage    : @xrefs = getCrossReferences($XML)
 args     : $XML is either a SIMPLE article (<Simple>...</Simple>)
            or an object (the payload of a Simple article), and
            may be either raw XML or an XML::DOM node.
 returns  : an array of MOBY::CrossReference objects
 example  :
   my (($colls, $simps) = getResponseArticles($query);  # returns DOM nodes
   foreach (@{$simps}){
      my @xrefs = getCrossReferences($_);
      foreach my $xref(@xrefs){
          print "Cross-ref type: ",$xref->type,"\n";
          print "namespace: ",$xref->namespace,"\n";
          print "id: ",$xref->id,"\n";
          if ($xref->type eq "Xref"){
             print "Cross-ref relationship: ", $xref->xref_type,"\n";


 name     : whichDeepestParentObject
 function : select the parent node from nodeList that is
            closest to the querynode
 usage    : ($term, $lsid) = whichDeepestParentObject($CENTRAL, $queryTerm, \@termList)
 args     : $CENTRAL - your MOBY::Client::Central object
            $queryTerm - the object type I am interested in
            \@termlist - the list of object types that I know about
 returns  : an ontology term and LSID as a scalar, or undef if there
            is no parent of this node in the nodelist.
            (note that it will only return the term if you give it
             term names in the @termList.  If you give it
             LSID's in the termList, then both the parameters
             returned will be LSID's - it doesn't back-translate...)

_rearrange (stolen from BioPerl ;-) )

 Usage     : $object->_rearrange( array_ref, list_of_arguments)
 Purpose   : Rearranges named parameters to requested order.
 Example   : $self->_rearrange([qw(SEQUENCE ID DESC)],@param);
           : Where @param = (-sequence => $s,
           :                    -desc     => $d,
           :                    -id       => $i);
 Returns   : @params - an array of parameters in the requested order.
           : The above example would return ($s, $i, $d).
           : Unspecified parameters will return undef. For example, if
           :        @param = (-sequence => $s);
           : the above _rearrange call would return ($s, undef, undef)
 Argument  : $order : a reference to an array which describes the desired
           :          order of the named parameters.
           : @param : an array of parameters, either as a list (in
           :          which case the function simply returns the list),
           :          or as an associative array with hyphenated tags
           :          (in which case the function sorts the values 
           :          according to @{$order} and returns that new array.)
           :          The tags can be upper, lower, or mixed case
           :          but they must start with a hyphen (at least the
           :          first one should be hyphenated.)
 Source    : This function was taken from, written by Dr. Lincoln
           : Stein, and adapted for use in Bio::Seq by Richard Resnick and
           : then adapted for use in by Steve Chervitz,
           : then migrated into by Ewan Birney.
 Comments  :
           : Uppercase tags are the norm, 
           : (SAC)
           : This method may not be appropriate for method calls that are
           : within in an inner loop if efficiency is a concern.
           : Parameters can be specified using any of these formats:
           :  @param = (-name=>'me', -color=>'blue');
           :  @param = (-NAME=>'me', -COLOR=>'blue');
           :  @param = (-Name=>'me', -Color=>'blue');
           :  @param = ('me', 'blue');
           : A leading hyphenated argument is used by this function to 
           : indicate that named parameters are being used.
           : Therefore, the ('me', 'blue') list will be returned as-is.
           : Note that Perl will confuse unquoted, hyphenated tags as 
           : function calls if there is a function of the same name 
           : in the current namespace:
           :    -name => 'foo' is interpreted as -&name => 'foo'
           : For ultimate safety, put single quotes around the tag:
           :    ('-name'=>'me', '-color' =>'blue');
           : This can be a bit cumbersome and I find not as readable
           : as using all uppercase, which is also fairly safe:
           :    (-NAME=>'me', -COLOR =>'blue');
           : Personal note (SAC): I have found all uppercase tags to
           : be more managable: it involves less single-quoting,
           : the key names stand out better, and there are no method naming 
           : conflicts.
           : The drawbacks are that it's not as easy to type as lowercase,
           : and lots of uppercase can be hard to read.
           : Regardless of the style, it greatly helps to line
           : the parameters up vertically for long/complex lists.

